1 min read

Surgeon Talk: Endometriosis, Neuropelveology, and Genetics with Dr. Nicholas Fogelson

On today's episode, I chat with my endometriosis surgeon, Dr. Nicholas Fogelson, about his perspective on endo, a little bit about the genetic aspect of the disease, and a more in-depth look at how endometriosis can present itself.
Surgeon Talk: Endometriosis, Neuropelveology, and Genetics with Dr. Nicholas Fogelson

Show Notes

On today's episode, I chat with my endometriosis surgeon, Dr. Nicholas Fogelson, about his perspective on endo, a little bit about the genetic aspect of the disease, and a more in-depth look at how endometriosis can present itself. He also walks us through a video of my surgery, so if you're squeamish and you're watching this, here are the timestamps for surgical video portion: 1:18-1:29.

You're listening to the Resource Doula Podcast, a place where we provide information to help you make informed healthcare decisions for yourself and your family.

Resources he mentioned:

Connect with Dr. Fogelson at Northwest Endometriosis and Pelvic Surgery:

[Listen to episode 17: My Own Journey With Endometriosis, and Looking Back 1 Year Post Laparoscopic Excision Surgery!]

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