Mini Series #2: Favorite Resources for Pregnancy
Part Two in a mini series where I go through my top recommended resources for pregnancy. Don’t let the abundance of resources in the world overwhelm you! Know that everything I recommend I’ve either tested myself or seen to work well in my 9+ years of work with clients.

Get access to the living resource list here:
Links: some of these links are affiliate links, and at no extra cost to you, should you choose to purchase through the link, I will receive a commission. I appreciate you supporting my business this way!
- Lily Nichols Real food for pregnancy:
- Nine Golden Months by Heng Ou:
- Expecting Better by Emily Oster:
- The Mama Natural week by week guide to pregnancy and birth:
- Birthing Instincts
- Evidence Based Birth Also check out resources and classes at
Products to Make You More Comfortable
- a Squatty Potty. It is good for pooping in all stages of life, and could even be used like a birth stool in labor.
- A stability ball:
- Switching to Minimal footwear if you can!
– Listen to my interviews with Anya of Anya’s Reviews here: and my interview with natural podiatrist Andy Bryant here:
Exercises I mentioned:
- stairs/step ups with loaded backpack
- carries
- deadlifts
- squats
- labor positions
- overhead press
- pelvic floor relaxation
- Resource: MamasteFit( for labor prep and great visuals
- Village Herbals( has supportive tea and infusion blends specifically designed for pregnancy and postpartum.
- Edens Garden for non MLM essential oils:
- Motherlove products. (discount with this link or code: Trainernatalie15)
- Kindred Bravely(
– Get 15% off your first order with this link.Discount applied at checkout automatically, but if that doesn’t happen, use the code TRAINERNATALIE15 - Pact:
- Iksplor has a merino wool top with nursing access if you’re an adventure mom and want to stay warm on the trail - great for nursing in a carrier as well.
Mental health
- Mental Push Plan( code natalie10 for 10% off
- Tapping into your intuition
All the resources I mentioned and more are a part of a bigger list that is a live document - meaning I update it regularly! You can follow the link in the show notes or just go to
Please remember that these are just suggestions and not medical advice. Thanks for listening!! I’l catch you next time.